Friday, December 27, 2019

Film Analysis Of Pantene Commercial - 1030 Words

This commercial for the Pantene Gold Series explains itself beautifully in its description, â€Å"Pantene presents a poetic celebration of African American hair elevating it to a standard not seen in mainstream beauty media. It features women and girls who are beautiful, confident, vibrant, and elegant and who draw personal strength from the strength of their hair – its texture, its style and its history† (web). This commercial was created to advertise the announcement of new Pantene hair products created uniquely for Black women. It empowered black women’s bodies by representing their hair in powerfully positive ways. Not only did the commercial center specifically on this empowerment, but it went even further to uplift black hair’s†¦show more content†¦As a proudly self-proclaimed afrocentric womanist, I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart that I’m here for it. From all angles, the commercial evidenced a deep commitment to the celebration of all kinds of black hair and the community it represents. This is the kind of media representation that Black women both need and deserve. Black women’s need for positive hair portrayal in mass media is crucial to the development of our self-worth. In a society where attractiveness is generally recognized as a woman s most admirable quality, most women (especially those who don’t fit into the beauty s tandard) are aware of the subtle rules for feminine appearance and behavior. For black women, this means understanding our large setbacks within the scale of attractiveness based on skin color alone, and compensating for them through over-commitment to other ways of acting out normative beauty. Rose Weitz deconstructs this concept in specifically when she says, â€Å"Within the black community attractiveness still primarily centers on having light skin and long, straight hair. Since there’s little one can do about one’s skin color, much of black women’s attention to their looks focuses on their hair† (Weitz, p. 224). In creating and uplifting the white beauty standard, society had to destroy and degrade the black one. Mass media’s marginalization of Black hair encouraged multiple generations of Black women to relate so heavily to theShow MoreRelatedAdvertising Advertisements And Body Image1645 Words   |  7 Pagesshe apologizes.† Each of the women interviewed for this paper had a different self-orientation regarding issues of gender and feminism. This Match Between Product and Role is the third theme, and is also impacted by self-schematic issues. This film, made by our agency, sees Lynx exhort its young male audience to get out there and make the most of their hair while they still have it, running through a bucket list’s worth of awesome moments that await them. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Plato - 1819 Words

The Conditional Acquittal: On a Supposed Contradiction in Plato’s Apology and Crito Ben Blanks, Lynchburg College (Editor’s note: This essay by Ben Blanks is the winner of the North Award for the best paper in the 2012 Agora. Ben presented an earlier version of this paper at the ACTC Student Conference at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, in March, 2011.) When reading the Apology and the Crito of Plato, one inevitably comes upon a seeming fundamental contradiction between the two dialogues. The Apology presents readers with a defiant Socrates who declares in his trial that, if acquitted on the condition that he never philosophize again, he would continue to practice philosophy in spite of the jury’s order to the contrary: .†¦show more content†¦Rather, it clears the debate considerably. If the Apology passage is shown to have been made in defiance of an illegal court procedure, then the Apology passage cannot be taken as evidence of Socratic support of civil disobedience. Such evidence, coupled with the obedience to law proscribed in the Crito, allows the supposed contradiction between the two dialogues to be dismissed. In order to analyze the Apology and the Crito in relation to each other, one must first make an assumption that has not been proven to any significant extent. One must assume that the Socrates character within the two dialogues is both consistent and trustworthy in espousing philosophical arguments. By accepting this assumption, one can evaluate the inconsistencies within the two Socratic dialogues as if they were a complete, consistent whole. Following such an assumption, one can examine the philosophy in the Apology in relation to that within the Crito with logical bearing. In order to understand the seeming contradiction between the two works, one must understand the passages on which it is based. The defiance passage of the Apology, when interpreted literally, does indeed seem to contradict the obedience to the state espoused in the 3 Thomas C. Brickhouse and Nicholas D. Smith, Plato’s Socrates (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994), 145- 146. Blanks 3 ï ¿ ¼ Crito. In the passage, Socrates declares that, if given a choice between obeying theShow MoreRelatedPlato967 Words   |  4 Pageswould wish the best for a friend regardless of the friend’s usefulness to them or what pleasure he could attain. Having been raised to strive to attain these virtues, the need for a reason to do so becomes pointless. Another difference is that Plato believes that the best type of good is one that is desirable both in itself and for the sake of its results, while Aristotle says that if X is desired because it brings you to Y, then Y is ultimately better than X. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Strategic Enterprise Planning for Management - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theStrategic Enterprise Planning for Business and Management. Answer: Introduction Organizations plan in order to take advantage of the future opportunities and benefits. This calls for proper strategic planning for the organizations to align their performance with the set goals. This personal reflection will discuss how strategic enterprise planning impacts the performance and the operations of the business. Strategic enterprise planning process is usually employed by the businesses specializing in service provision(Vancil Lorange, 2015). Ideally, it involves on focusing on the processes needed to develop strategies and plans for the service provider business. The planning process involves applying a strategic planning that will determine the focus and the business of an enterprise(Schoeffler, Buzzell, Heany, 2014). Moreover, there are crucial issues such as marketing the enterprise, the financial requirements, information technology needs and others that should be put into consideration during strategic planning. Enterprise planning establishes and coordinates all the essential critical activities that will facilitate the working of the business with all major units of the enterprise. The process and activities observed during the strategic planning assists in driving the enterprise' mission, vision, objectives, and goals. The importance of the strategic enterprise planning in the business context cannot go unnoticed. Based on its simple definition as the roadmap that an organization relies on to execute its strategy, the strategic enterprise planning helps the businesses to achieve their businesses efficiently and effectively. An element of plan embraced in the strategic planning illustrates the direction of the organization in future. According to Kraus, Harms, Schwarz (2012), a strategic plan is one of the most management fundamental tools that help the organization to execute an excellent job. This is because strategic planning ensures that resources are allocated appropriately, and people within the organization align their time and energies with the focus of the organization. With strategic planning in place, the roles of each employee in the business are well understand and therefore, reducing the probability of consultations and confusions. In fact, strategic enterprise planning determines whe re the organization will be either in a year or after a few years to come. All organizations ranging from multinational corporations to the small businesses have limited resources. To make sure that the available resources are used efficiently and for the benefit of the organization to achieve its objectives, there is a need to have a sound strategic plan in place. The realization of this plan demands proper planning process that will provide information to the senior management about the organizational needs to make right decisions on how to allocate the available resources. Without a strategic plan in place the resources will be wasted, under productivity will take place and therefore the realization of the organizational goals may continue to exist as a mere and invalid dream. Henry Mintzberg Theory attributes the success of any business to the strategic business planning(Karel, Adam, Radomr, 2013). Strategic enterprise planning largely exists so that it can set organizational goals. Besides, the strategic enterprise planning ensures that the set goals are challenging to everyone in the organization so that they can improve their performance. However, as much as it is important to have for an organization to set goals, it must ensure that its goals realistic and aggressive. Organizations will lose their competitive advantage to their competitors if they do not establish goals that will challenge their employees to improve their performance. Strategic planning will also help the organization to compare the planned results with the actual results. Managers will use strategic plan to identify the variances from the planned results to rectify the differences. It is evident that organization run in the dynamic environment that is full adverse effects and risks(Raduan, 2012). Even with a strategic plan in place, there are circumstances whereby risks that can hamper the progress of the organization can set in. The management of risk is crucial to the success of any organization. Irrespective of the size of the business it is important to have a good strategic plan to be able to deal with the changing economic and competitive environments surrounding them. The inclusion of the strategic planning in the running of the enterprise will help the organization to have alternatives and prevention in place to cater for the changes and risks if the plans in place to do go as anticipated. Findings connote that organizations thrive largely on team building(Karabulut, 2010). Strategic planning enhances the spirit of cooperation through team building. Once the strategic plan has been completed and communicated to everyone in the organization, each one knows his or her responsibility and the areas where his or her expertise will be needed. Team building will result in the overall organizational success. This is contrary, to the individual responsibility whereby the performance will be much lower than a collective responsibility that is realized through teamwork. According to Five Forces Theory by Michael Porter, organizations thrive through competitive advantages(Raduan, 2012). It is a competitive enterprise advantage that will determine its position in the industry as well as its market share. Before establishing a strategic plan, the organization will assess its environment to determine its current weaknesses and strengths in reference to its potential and major competitors. The organization can use its strengths when establishing its strategic plan. This means the business will employ its strategies in line with its strengths to achieve its target goals. On the other side, the business can study the competitor vulnerabilities to build marketing strategies that will take advantage of the rival weaknesses. Using the strategic plan to identify the competitors marketing techniques can also help the business to identify opportunities that have not been tapped by the competitors. Conclusion Just like any other management tool that improves the performance of the business, strategic enterprise planning tool is one of the most viable strategies that organizations can use to claim prosperity. Strategic enterprise planning will help to increase the organization value chain through efficient use of resources. Strategic planning also provides the direction an organization will take through establishing goals that are in line with the vision and mission of the company. Strategic enterprise planning will also help in managing the risks, team building and creating competitive advantages. References Karabulut, A. T. (2010). Impact of Strategic Planning on Financial Performance of Companies in Turkey. International Journal of Business and Management, 5(4), 3-11. Karel, S., Adam, P., Radomr, P. (2013). Strategic Planning and Business Performance. Journal of Competitiveness, 5(4), 57-72. doi: 10.7441/joc.2013.04.04 Kraus, S., Harms, R., Schwarz, E. J. (2012). Strategic Business Planning and Success in Small Firms. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 8-22. doi:10.1504/IJEIM.2008.022311. Raduan, C. (2012). A Conceptual framework of the relationship between organizational resources, capabilities, systems, competitive advantage and performance. Research Journal of International Studies, 12, 45-58. Schoeffler, S., Buzzell, R. D., Heany, D. F. (2014, March 14). Impact of Strategic Planning on Profit Performance. Retrieved from Harvard Business Review: Vancil, R. F., Lorange, P. (2015, January 12). Strategic Planning in Diversified Companies. Retrieved from Harvard Business Review:

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

It Was A Typical August Afternoon For Florida. Temperatures Simmered I

It was a typical August afternoon for Florida. Temperatures simmered in the eighties and the humidity was so thick you could cut it with a knife. My mother was outside gardening and I stuck my head out the front door to ask her how she could endure the heat. She replied, I won't be long, I just want to get these ferns planted. My mother has never demonstrated a talent for gardening, nor a desire. She was covered from head to feet with potting soil and surrounded by her miniature gardening tools. I laughed at the ludicrous sight of her peering up at me from her unprecedented perch. Her sweat-soaked hair stuck wetly to cheeks blackened by stray potting soil and her bare toes peeked from beneath a flowered sundress too pretty for such arduous work. What's your sister doing? she asked on a sigh, wiping her brow with the back of her gloved hand. I'm putting away my new school clothes, Mom. Katie, my younger sister by one year, poked her head out her bedroom window, one ear stuck to her hot-pink telephone. Can Chrisi spend the night? Mom nodded her consent. Katie's head disappeared back to where it sprang from. You could pour us both a cold glass of lemonade, my mother hinted up at me hopefully. We don't have any ice left, Mom. Just then my grandmother, 77 years old, pulled up in the driveway sporting her new black 1998 Buick Regal. I sprang across the lawn and greeted her with a hug, calculating that within a month and a half I would be able to drive the sleek machine. My grandmother, who everyone affectionately calls B, had come to invite us to go shopping with her at Beall's department store. None of us could go. Mom needed to go grocery shopping, my sister was expecting her friend over and I had already planned on seeing a movie with my friend, Carla. After a few more minutes of generous hugs, kisses and regrets, she was off again. Her car disappeared around the bend that marked the end of our street. Less than an hour had passed since my grandmother's visit. I was busy getting ready for the movies when the phone rang. Katie answered on the second ring and yelled out that it was our cousin, Jim Jr., calling for Mom. I could tell by Katie's face that something was wrong. Taking the portable phone from the kitchen, Katie ran out to give it to Mother. Within seconds total hysteria enveloped the household. My mother ran into the house screaming, get in the car now with no further explanations. I was frightened yet equally angry with her for screaming at us. My mother, suddenly white beneath her garden grub, snatched at the car keys. Still barefooted, she screamed out, Oh my God, this can't be true, get in the car now. Mom, please tell us what's wrong! Katie and I pleaded. You're scaring us! Mom was practically speechless but she managed to utter out a few words, I will tell you in the car. I had never witnessed my mother lose her control before. It made me feel frightened and confused to the point of feeling sick to my stomach. I looked at Katie as she fumbled with the car door. She was speechless, wide-eyed and suspended in a bewildered state of consciousness. Tears fell down her cheeks. I wanted to cry too but the situation seemed so devastating that my real emotions froze. I just kept thinking that it was a bad dream. Any moment I would be awakened and soothed by my mother. She would tell me, in her familiar gentle voice, that I was just having a nightmare. My mother sped down the road, explaining half-hysterically the contents of that awful phone call. Jim had just returned to town from his vacation and spotted a horrific automobile accident on Highway 301 at the intersection of Morning Side Drive. He had slowed down because of the crush of emergency vehicles at the sight. But one car was unmistakably familiar to him. It was our grandmother's black Buick Regal. The drive to the accident sight terrified me because my mother drove too fast and carelessly. As we approached the accident scene, we