Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Code Of Ethics And The Law Of The Public Health,...

Engineering is a vastly renowned and studied field, stemming from the rise of empires. This field has such a wide area of study that there is no one engineer in the same, all are professionals in their own field. In each one of these fields, there is a certain code of ethics that must be lived and maintained, by the engineer themselves. There are lists of the different ethics models, but to list a few: there is Rule-Based Utilitarianism, Duty Ethics, Rights Ethics, Virtue Ethics, and the NCEES ethical code. All of these individual codes clearly states, and sets guidelines for the engineers to follow and live by. These ethics set the standard and obligations that engineers and their partners have to their clients, society, and themselves. According to the National Society of Professional Engineers, â€Å" the services provided by engineers require honesty, impartiality, fairness, and equity, and must be dedicated to the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare† (NSPE, 2015). This means that engineers need to work towards providing all customers, including society as a whole, the best work and proficient product they possibly can. To ensure that each project they work on is working correctly, they must properly test and design said product, to shed light on any future issues they may encounter. Essentially, these different ethical codes help to ensure that the quality of work engineers output is up to par, and in the best interest of everyoneShow MoreRelatedThe Ethics Of A Civil Engineer795 Words   |  4 Pagesto the public as they should in any other places .so a person who can be swayed by political corruption and bribery, shouldn t be involved with any activates, Now if ASCE prepare to the r eport card, the ratings given could be changed to reflect the need of the economic situation. In case lower rating will be more jobs available to workforce .If rating are higher few jobs will be needed for infrastructure development. 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